Our Staff
People's Partner for Community Development staff are active in the community and business owners.

Sharon Small conducts a strategic planning session with PPCD Board of Directors.

Ag Loan Officer, Whisper Kelly, speaks at a Northern Cheyenne Ag Operators Meeting.

Tommy Robinson and Luke Robinson, Montana Department of Commerce, pose in front of the Warrior Grocery.

Peggy Fredericks helps students at St. Labre High School in the $pending Frenzy simulation.

Sharon K. Small
Sharon Small, (Netsema’aestsehe’e, Red Eagle Woman) has served as the Executive Director for PPCD since 2010. In her role, Sharon oversees all operations for PPCD and Courtesy Cash, Inc., including fundraising where she has been instrumental in earning over $4 million in federal, private, and state grants. Sharon has assisted local small businesses throughout her time, helping in a variety of ways from business plans to applying for grant funding. She previously worked for the Northern Cheyenne Tribe’s Economic Development Committee where she was responsible for grant management and reporting, overseeing the budget and external communications with partners and the public. Sharon earned her bachelor’s degree in Communications from Montana State University. Sharon owns multiple small businesses, including a cattle operation where she is a third-generation cattle rancher. Ms. Small, the mother of three children, is an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe.
Tommy B. Robinson
Tommy B. Robinson is currently the Program Manager for PPCD, previously serving as the Case Manager since his initial hire in 2012. In his new role, Tommy oversees grant project activities while managing various components for PPCD & Courtesy Cash, including human resources, payroll, loan funds, and financial operations. Tommy is the site coordinator for the PPCD/Courtesy Cash VITA site, which operates during tax season serving over 200 clients each year. Before working for PPCD, Tommy was a Dorm Attendant for St. Labre Indian Catholic School and a Financial Aid Administrator for Chief Dull Knife College. Tommy graduated from Chief Dull Knife College with his Associate of Arts Degree before attending Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Tommy currently serves as Secretary for Plenty Doors Community Development Corporation Board of Directors. He was born and raised on a cattle ranch in the Muddy District of the Northern Cheyenne Reservation. He owns and operates his sports photography business, which has allowed him to submit photographs to many local newspapers and news outlets. Tommy is an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe.

Starlyn Whiteman
Adam Zimmer

Whisper Kelly
Whisper Kelly serves as the Ag Loan Officer since April 2021. Whisper brings extensive agriculture expertise to PPCD, from her upbringing, education, and previous work experience. Whisper has operated Kelly Cattle & Services since 2016 where she prepares cattle contracts that sell over 9,000 calves each year – 70% of those on the Cheyenne & Crow reservations, along with assembling financial reports and analysis of sales and cattle inventory for cattle ranchers. She also provides artificially insemination services (AI) as part of her consulting services. Prior to her self-employment, Whisper worked for West Feeds and Fort Keogh Livestock and Range Research Lab in Miles City, MT. Whisper earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Range and Animal Science from Montana State University in Bozeman. Whisper holds positions in various boards and associations, including President of USDA Farm Service Agency’s Custer County Committee, and membership of the Montana Stock Growers Association and Miles City Agriculture Board. She is the mother to two children who keep her and her husband very busy with various activities. Whisper, an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, was born and raised in the Kirby area.
Bethany Snow-Strangeowl
Bethany Snow (Nestseena’e, Ripe Corn Woman) serves as Finance Manager since February of 2022. Previously, Bethany was a Board Member for PPCD while she worked for the Lame Deer School District as the Payroll Director and Federal Programs Director. Bethany has managed payroll for over 130 district employees for over five years before taking on the role of Federal Programs Director. She overseed the use of federal funds for the schools, as well as applying for and monitoring new grants. Bethany has spent much of her career in the financial field, previously working for the Northern Cheyenne Tribe as the Payroll Specialist and an Accountant. Bethany earned her Associate of Arts degree from Chief Dull Knife College before obtaining her Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Management from Rocky Mountain College. Bethany was born and raised in the Busby community, graduating as the Valedictorian of her graduating class. She is the mother to five wonderful children and a grandmother to two even more wonderful grandkids. Bethany, an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne, is a direct descendent of Chief Black Kettle of the Southern Cheyenne. Bethany has been an assistant basketball coach for the Lame Deer Lady Morning Stars for five years and enjoys running, camping, shopping, cooking, and reading in her free time. She loves her Cheyenne community and is always looking for ways to contribute and give back to the reservation.

Kurri Harris
Kurri Harris, (Ishuuia Kaate, Little Song & Motse’eohne’e, Sweet Medicine Medicine) has worked for PPCD since May 2019, first as the Administrative Assistant before being promoted to the Loan Administrator. She administers an average of 10 new loans per week to clients, while also recording payments each day to the loan software. Kurri worked as a Teller for Courtesy Cash previously, after earning her bachelor’s degree in Community, Culture, and Education from Mount St. Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland. Kurri graduated from St. Labre Indian Catholic Academy top of her class in 2014. Kurri is a fifth-generation cattle rancher. Ms. Harris, born and raised on the Northern Cheyenne Reservation, is an enrolled member of the Crow Tribe.
Peggy Fredericks
Peggy Fredericks currently serves as the Community Facilitator since February 2017. Peggy instructs financial literacy classes, where she partners with local organizations to co-facilitate workshops, as well as hosting a weekly credit builder workshop. She has acquired her Certificate for Accredited Credit Counselor, where she is able to help individuals improve their personal credit. Prior to PPCD, Peggy was enjoying retirement after serving the Lame Deer Public School system as the 7-12 grade Guidance Counselor for 22 years. She worked for the Northern Cheyenne Recovery Center after obtaining her master’s degree in Vocational Rehab Counseling. Peggy also received her bachelor’s degree in Education from Eastern Montana College. Peggy has worked extensively with local schools and tribal programs and enjoys working with the youth and community members. She enjoys horseback riding and hiking the reservation lands, including the Kirby and Busby areas where she has spent most of her life, while operating a cattle ranch with her family. Peggy is an enrolled member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe.

Old Mouse

Mykal Grant